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Local By-laws

Aug 26

11 min read




Blue Ridge BCA Pool League Local By-Laws

General Information

  1. The following rules will govern the play of Blue Ridge BCA League and Tournaments. All rules will be superseded by BCA Rules and can be referenced at BCAPL - Rules PDF direct link unless otherwise stated below.

  2. Website

  3. What is BCA? Please review BCA Pool League - About

  4. What is Blue Ridge BCApl? A Pool league for players by players in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Asheville, NC and surrounding areas. Find us on FaceBook Group Blue Ridge BCApl or

  5. All communications of League and Tournaments will be done via email, text, the website or Facebook.

  6. League Handicap, stats, and League Management System

    1. League Handicap Calculations are available here FargoRate League Calculator.

    2. League stats are available 24 hours a day

    3. LMS is the official League management system

    4. is our official Tournament management system, we utilize SMS texting to notify you of your matches.

  7. League Fees

    1. See BCA official Policies BCAPL - League Policies

    2. There will be a $25 fee per year per player which will go towards operating cost and BCA Sanction Fee. This will be collected and provided to the League Operator. This fee is due every January or in the case of a new player not previously sanctioned.  The fee is due to the BCA National Office every January. Failure to do so will forfeit the player from that team and session.

    3. Blue Ridge BCApl Weekly League fee is $11 per player for each match played. Fees must be collected by each Team Captain or representative and provided to the host room or LO/VP/Secretary.

      1. Failure to collect league fees may result in increased handicap, reduced winnings, penalty points, or expulsion from League with multiple infractions and is at the discretion of the League Operator

      2. Captains and Team members are responsible for all fees due for all matches regardless of absent players

      3. Failure to collect fees hurts everyone

      4. The League Operator has the right to disqualify any player who does not pay their league fees.

  8. Teams, Captains, and Divisions

    1. Teams will consist of 1 Captain and at least 1 designated representative or co-captain, it will be each Captain responsibility to collect fees, maintain roster and help promote Blue Ridge BCApl.

    2. Divisions can consist of 5 players, 3 players, Doubles, Singles, or Platinum “                                      Masters” Division (Note: Players in singles and doubles leagues are not eligible to form teams at BCA Pool League events. However, players in singles and doubles divisions may act as "substitutes" for a team from a team division of the same league.)

    3. Platinum or “Masters” divisions can consist of up to 4 players with 3 players per match. This division has no handicap, it is recommended to have a FargoRate of 500 or higher but this is not a requirement.

    4. 5 Player Division teams can have at a minimum of 5 players and a max of 8 players, this includes the team Captain/DR. It is recommended to keep at least 8 players to be able to field the matches in case of absent players.

    5. 3 Player Division teams can have at a minimum of 3 players and a maximum of 6 players.

    6. Teams can replace players or add new players at a maximum of 3 weeks from the start of the Session.

    7. Teams can be added to the session at a maximum of 2 weeks from the start of the session.

    8. Substitutes are allowed in League Play before the start of a match, the only requirement is the player pays their $25 BCA fee and the regular weekly league fee. Contact the League Officers if you plan on using a substitute. It will be up to the team on how to disperse winnings. League Officers will not take ownership once winnings have been provided to the Team Captain.

    9. Players can play on multiple teams in the same division at a maximum of 2 teams. League Fees remain the same for each team a player plays on. This will allow a player multiple chances to be on a team that can win a spot in the Championship and can help with a team filling spots. Restrictions may apply.

    10. To limit players from stacking teams there will be a FargoRate limit (see LO Handbook). League officers will assist in player assignment to teams if requested.

    11. 5 Player division team rating cap 2750

    12. 3 Player division team rating cap 1650

    13. Scotch Doubles 1200

    14. Singles will have a list of players and their contact information, you are expected to contact your opponents and schedule your matches.

  9. Supported Division Format Types

    1. Supported League format types can consist of 8-Ball, 9-Ball, 10-Ball, One Pocket, 14.1 (Straight Pool), and Bank Pool.

  10. Payment Options

    1. We accept Venmo @blueridgebca, PayPal, CashApp, Zelle, pretty much any electronic transfer you prefer, or cash

  11. Photo ID

    1. All players may be required to show valid photo ID whether for League or Tournament play.

  12. Board of Directors

    1. Team captains will automatically be part of the Board of Directors (subject to change as the league grows) and will join the League Operator along with Secretary and Vice President for betterment of the League.

    2. The Board is responsible for budget, league fees, discrepancies or making decisions for league rules or resolving issues.

    3. At no time can the rules be modified without approval from the board.

    4. Tie breakers will be decided by the League Operator.

    5. Vice President and Secretary positions are voted on by the Board. It's encouraged for teams to have input on who would fit these positions. If the  VP/Secretary position is not filled, the League Operator retains the right to appoint a member on a temporary basis.

    6. VP/Secretary will take the place of the League Operator in case of absence.

  13. Number of Tables and Practice Tables

    1. Number of tables for regular match play is at the discretion of the Host Room, every effort will be made to allow for 2 tables per match but there is no guarantee.

    2. Practice tables will not be provided and regular host room fees apply.

  14. Forfeits, Hardships, and Makeups

    1. Teams that are unable to field a full lineup may request a hardship or makeup from the opposing Captain, it is at the discretion of the opponent team of which option they are willing to allow. Only one Hardship or Makeup can be requested per week. Substitutes are allowed (see Teams, Captains, and Divisions)

    2. Makeup must be completed prior to the next week's league play start time or it is marked as a Forfeit.

    3. Fees are still required at the end of that night from each team regardless of which option is agreed upon. It is recommended that all team members consider pooling money for this scenario.

  15. Permitted Equipment

    1. For Blue Ridge BCA Tournament and League play, jump cues (short cues) are allowed, this rule can be viewed as illegal if improper use of the jump cue is deployed. No “scooping” is allowed and every effort to not damage equipment should be considered when jumping.

    2. Standard length cues to include play, break, jump/break cues and extensions are allowed with no restrictions.

    3. Rack Templates are allowed but both teams/players must have access to use the same template if desired.

  16. Poor Sportsmanship

    1. This is no different than any other league and should be self-explanatory, be kind to others and show respect to the game, equipment, other players, spectators, staff and event officials.

    2. Penalties for unsportsmanlike conduct can include point reductions, expulsion from league or tournament, reduction or forfeit of winnings, or other as deemed necessary by the Board.

  17. Concession of game or match

    1. For any Blue Ridge BCApl sponsored Tournament or League play there is no penalty for concession of game or ball and is allowed.

    2. Uscrew of shaft on play cue can be considered a concession of game, before calling concession it is the opponent’s responsibility to ask the player, there are times where the player may be changing shafts but not conceding.

  18. Sandbagging

    1. There will be zero tolerance for sandbagging or purposely playing at a skill level below the players ability.

    2. Penalties for sandbagging can include point reductions, expulsion from league or tournament, reduction or forfeit of winnings, or other as deemed necessary by the Board.

  19. Slow Play

    1. Players should make every effort to play their next shot in a timely manner, if going over 1 minute per shot a timer may be requested by the opposing team. LO or Tournament director can make the determination based on observed behavior and can start a timer of 45 seconds on one or both players. Excessive abuse of time can result in a foul and the other player will receive cue ball in hand.

  20. Splitting Matches

    1. Splitting a match may be required in case of current matches going over allotted time; this is at full discretion of the host room. However, if another team has completed all matches and a table becomes available it is expected that the teams assigned to that table would allow a match to be played and should turn over control of the table.

  21. Coaching

    1. Coaching is allowed in 8 and 9-Ball play only. The Player at the table has the option of anyone on their team for coaching. To conserve time coaching should take no longer than 1 minute.

    2. Doubles can openly communicate, however, when the shooting player is down on the shot their teammate must step away from the table.

  22. 8-Ball Rules

    1. See BCA official rules for official 8-Ball play

    2. 8 Ball on break does not count as a win. It will be spotted and the player will have the option to take the position of the cue ball or break again.

    3. If you scratch on the break, your opponent receives ball in hand anywhere on the table.

    4. Table is always considered “open” after break with the exception of the 8-Ball.

    5. Cue ball only fouls, only illegal cue ball contact is considered a foul and the opponent receives ball-in-hand. In the case of an accidently moved object ball, the opponent has the option to move the ball back or let it stay as is. No other spectator, player, including the player at the table, is allowed to interfere or move the balls. If the player at the table moves the ball back to the position without asking, the opponent may call a foul and is allowed ball in hand.

    6. Rack your own and alternate break

  23. 9-Ball Rules

    1. See BCA official rules for official 9-Ball play

    2. 9 ball on break counts as a win in any pocket

    3. 3 foul rule is not in effect during League play

    4. Push-out after break is allowed but must be called

    5. 9-Ball is not a called shot game, no ball, shot, or pocket needs to be called.

    6. Cue ball only fouls, only illegal cue ball contact is considered a foul and the opponent receives ball-in-hand. In the case of an accidently moved object ball, the opponent has the option to move the ball back or let it stay as is. No other spectator, player, including the player at the table, is allowed to interfere or move the balls. If the player at the table moves the ball back to the position without asking, the opponent may call a foul and is allowed ball in hand.

    7. Rack your own and alternate break

  24. 10-Ball Rules

    1. See BCApl official rules for official 10-Ball play

    2. 10-Ball on the Break does not count as a win, the 10 ball should be spotted and the breaker can continue if the break was legal.

    3. Combo/carrom on 10-Ball is legal and results in a win but must be called

    4. Push-out after break is allowed but must be called

    5. 3 foul rule is not in effect during League play

    6. Cue ball only fouls, only illegal cue ball contact is considered a foul and the opponent receives ball-in-hand. In the case of an accidently moved object ball, the opponent has the option to move the ball back or let it stay as is. No other spectator, player, including the player at the table, is allowed to interfere or move the balls. If the player at the table moves the ball back to the position without asking, the opponent may call a foul and is allowed ball in hand.

    7. 10-Ball is a called pocket game, meaning you do not need to call the shot. The only requirement is to call the object ball to the called pocket. The player must strike the cue ball first and the lowest numbered object ball on the table. Obvious shots do not need to be called, however, banks, caroms, combos, kicks, or shots not obvious should be called.

    8. Rack your own and alternate break

  25. Match Start time

    1. Start times may vary and will be provided on the session schedule via LMS. Teams should make every effort to start on-time or early at the discretion of the home room or on availability of tables.

    2. Any make-ups should start in advance of League session start time or as soon as possible.

    3. If a player or team does not show up for your scheduled match first contact the player or team to determine if they would like to reschedule or try to do a makeup. If a player or team does not respond to text/phone then the match is considered a forfeit, please contact the LO to receive the forfeit. Note, please try to be courteous to other players as there may be unforeseen circumstances out of their control. Try to work through scheduling your match if you know you will be late.

  26. End of session Play-offs

    1. At the end of each session the top 5 teams in points will advance to the play-offs.

  27. Singles will have 3 brackets (under 400, 400-499, and 500+) and will be seeded based on the amount of points. The amount of players for the tournament will be dependent on how many each bracket size, i.e. if there are 5 players in under 400 then all 5 could be in the tournament, the size of each bracket may vary.

  28. Tournaments

    1. Blue Ridge BCApl will run Monthly Tournaments with alternating formats of all game types.

    2. We request that all players contribute to the Facebook page and assist with Tournament promotions.

    3. We will seek sponsors from local businesses wherever possible, please keep Facebook updated or email with suggestions or recommendations. We will promote the sponsors via Facebook and at the event. This would be “Money added” to the winnings.

    4. Tournaments will be registration only with lower entry counts but higher entree fees.

    5. Entry fees may vary depending on format and player participation.

    6. Registration will occur via Facebook, email, or the website, however, late entries can be accepted the day of the Tournament but will incur a $5 late fee for each entry, this is dependent on slot availability.

    7. Tournaments will have all ball fouls unless otherwise stated, the opponent may call foul and receive ball in hand.

    8. Tournaments will occur Monthly. Formats will be rotated and may vary. For example, 1 Pocket, Banks, 14.1, 8-ball, 9-ball, or 10-ball.

    9. In the case of Handicapped Tournaments; Players with no established FargoRate and who do not play in regular League may have a starter rating entered for that tournament, we may require player vouching for that player or proof of Skill Level from another league (APA, etc). Photo ID required.

    10. FargoRate handicapping will be used in the case of Handicapped Tournaments, “Open” tournaments will be straight races. We typically use FargoRate R7 Hot for A side and R5 Hot for B side. We may institute max "to" races depending on the field, i.e. you may have a max 8 games required if you are a higher skilled player.

    11. All Tournaments will follow BCA official rules and Local Bylaws.

  29. Eligibility for BCAPL National Championships in Las Vegas, NV

    1. Players who have played a minimum of eight (8) full regularly scheduled BCA league matches in the same division during a single sanctioned session, and are deemed an active player by the League Operator, are eligible to play in the BCA National Championships.  All fees to include sanction fee must be up to date.

  30. Initial Player FargoRate

    1. This will be the initial entry when a player is first created in FargoRate. Your rate will change over time. Please see here as a guide.

    2. APA to FargoRate Conversion 8-Ball SL 7 or 9 9-Ball = 560 8-Ball SL 6 or 7-8 9-Ball = 500 8-Ball SL 5 or 6 9-Ball = 450 8-Ball SL 4 or 5 9-Ball = 400 8-Ball SL 3 or 4 9-Ball = 350

      8-Ball SL 2 or 3 9-Ball = 300

      8-Ball SL 1 or 1-2 9-Ball = 250

Aug 26

11 min read





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